This course will enable students to understand the function of root systems and their mycorrhizal symbionts and identify the anatomical, morphological, and physiological parameters of roots and their distribution in space and time that underlie resource uptake. Students will learn about root and mycorrhizal classification (both morphotypes and DNA), morphological analysis, and their functional biodiversity. Practical sessions will include sampling and identifying mycorrhizal morphotypes, studying interactions of mycorrhizal fungi with roots, and exploring the effects of ontogeny, competitors etc. on root system plasticity and mycorrhiza diversity/identity.

Venue: Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology, Mendel University in Brno and University Forest Enteprise Masaryk Forest in Křtiny (CZ)





 Deadline for registration has been set to the 20th August 2024. At the moment, there is one vacancy left, for which you can still register.

 Registration form:

 Meal allowance: 1000 CZK

 Please note:

Due to logistic constraints, attendance to the EXCELLENTIA summer school is limited to 15 participants. It is therefore advisable to register as soon as possible to guarantee a place in the summer school. Brno is a touristic city; therefore, early booking of accommodation is also encouraged.


The project EXCELLENTIA covers costs for lecturers, transport for the purpose of collecting samples at the school forest enterprise, laboratory consumables.

Meal allowance covers: 4 x lunch, and 1 x lunch pack for the field trip.

All other costs such as accommodation, transport to Brno and meals are covered by the participants themselves.

Once your registration form is sent we will send you a link to the Flywire with the payment instruction.

Meal allowance payment is due immediately, and your registration will be confirmed once the money is received.



Brno, the commercial and social hub of South Moravia, is the second largest city in the Czech Republic with a population of 382,000, a convention centre and many important governmental and non-governmental institutions. In addition, it is home to many theatres, galleries, museums, cinemas, and shopping centres.

Brno is an important university city with ca 80,000 students of higher education institutions every year. The city also harbours several institutions directly related to research and development, like the Central European Institute of Technology (CEITEC) or the EXCELLENTIA project from Mendel University in Brno which is the local organizer of the summer school.

In Brno you can find many attractions – e. g. the functionalist Tugendhat Villa, a UNESCO cultural heritage sight, the Špilberk castle, the interesting medieval underground system, or the Augustinian Abbey where Gregor Mendel lived and combined his scientific experiments with the life as a monk.

If you visit the city of Brno, do not forget to also include its surroundings, e. g. the Moravian Karst with more than one thousand caves, the Znojmo wine region with Podyjí National Park, Pálava and the Lednice-Valtice landscape area, which is also an UNESCO sight.

For more information see the following links:



Summer school participants are asked to arrange their own accommodation booking individually by contacting the hotels of their choice.

PLEASE, book your hotel as soon as possible because room availability is limited!

You are free to book any hotel in Brno, but we recommend these accommodation options which are not far from the conference venue:


University dormitory – Academy Hall


  • Cheap student accommodation (in a style of boarding school accommodation)
  • 10 min walk from the tram stop to the city centre
  • The dormitory is in the same building as the laboratory and lecture rooms of the Summer school
  • Direct tram connection to the centre of Brno (by tram no. 9, approx. 20 minutes)
  • Payment for accommodation is possible by debit/credit card or in cash (only in CZK)
  • Contact for reservation of this accommodation is: e-mail:

Tel:  +420 545 136 117,  +420 739 682 037


The price for participants in Summer school is 600 CZK/person/nigh + 40 CZK tourist fee/person/night. For the reservation use the password: Summer school 7.-11.10.

The reservation of accommodation will be done on a first come, first served basis.




You can find other accommodation options on the website:



Travel to Brno is easy by plane, train or bus. 

More information on how to reach Brno and public transport in Brno you can find HERE.