Would you like to know more about
- the latest in forest ecology research?
- how cutting-edge science contributes to the practical and sustainable use of natural resources?
- the hidden half of forest ecosystems, right under our feet?
The Challenges in Forest Ecology seminar series, featuring top scientists from around the world, provides a unique opportunity to discuss the state of the art in forest ecology from different perspectives and approaches with the leading experts in the field.
The seminar is organised by the EXCELLENTIA team on behalf of the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology, Mendel University in Brno, Chech Republic.
Please contact Mrs Alena Šamonilová, alena.samonilova@mendelu.cz if you have questions or would like to suggest a seminar topic / invite a guest speaker on topics related to forest diversity and functioning above and below ground.
The seminars are held on the first or second Wednesday of each month, either hybrid or only via Zoom. Seminars presented via Zoom only will have an * next to the presenter‘s name. The seminars may be recorded with the consent of the presenter.
Questions for the presenter can be posted in the chat and will be summarised and presented by a moderator.
05 March at 16:00 CET
Daniel Binkley (Colorado State University)
Spatial Ecology of Rotational and Continuous Cover Forestry in Boreal Landscapes
02 April at 16:00 CET
John Healey (Bangor University)
Spatial and temporal variation in Amazon deforestation and forest recovery: implications for the climate and biodiversity
14 May at 16:00 CET
Pauline Grierson (University of Western Australia)
Karri (Eucalyptus diversicolor) forests
Future seminar topics, enriched with presentations by Mendel U researchers, will be announced here and on social media.